A story by Helen Owyoung…
Recently, I talked to Aunt Pauline, who lives in Elk Grove. She likes to talk about the good old days in Fairfield at the ranch. Pauline told me that Dad (Henry Sue) stayed with her family when they were little. She thinks that Dad was very smart and you all inherited those smart genes.
Apparently, Dad once took an old tractor apart and put it together again. He taught Tom (Pauline’s brother) how every part should go together and also taught him how to drive the tractor.
Pauline said that no one taught Dad, but that he could figure out things out all by himself. She also said that he knew how to sew, cook and cut their hair. He used to sew and make skirts and dresses for Pauline and her sister, Mary. I was very surprised to hear that Dad used to sew clothes for them.
As of this writing, Pauline is age 94 and is still very alert.